Welcome to Confiture’s documentation!

Confiture (formerly Dotconf) is an advanced configuration parsing library which can be used by developers who are limited with standard ConfigParser library. Confiture is also shipped with a schema validator which can be used to check the content of your application’s configuration file before to start.


  • Simple configuration format with sections
  • Typing:
    • Typing in the syntax (“42” is a string, 42 a number)
    • Four types availables: string, boolean, number or list
  • Validation of configuration using a schema
  • Configuration includes


This is an example of what you can do with Confiture:

from confiture.schema.containers import many, once
from confiture.schema.containers import Section, Value
from confiture.schema.types import Boolean, Integer, Float, String

# Schema definition:

class UserSection(Section):
    password = Value(String())
    _meta = {'repeat': many, 'unique': True}

class PathSection(Section):
    rate_limit = Value(Float(), default=0)
    enable_auth = Value(Boolean(), default=False)
    user = UserSection()

class VirtualHostSection(Section):
    enable_ssl = Value(Boolean(), default=False)
    path = PathSection()
    _meta = {'repeat': many, 'unique': True}

class MyWebserverConfiguration(Section):
    daemon = Value(Boolean(), default=False)
    pidfile = Value(String(), default=None)
    interface = Value(String(), default='')
    interface_ssl = Value(String(), default='')
    host = VirtualHostSection()

Then, to use the parser:

>>> conf = '''
... daemon = yes
... pidfile = '/var/run/myapp.pid'
... interface = ''
... interface_ssl = ''
... host 'example.org' {
...     path '/' {
...         rate_limit = 30
...     }
... }
... host 'protected.example.org' {
...     enable_ssl = yes
...     path '/files' {
...         enable_auth = yes
...         user 'foo' {
...             password = 'bar'
...         }
...     }
... }
... '''
>>> from confiture import Confiture
>>> from myconfschema import MyWebserverConfiguration
>>> parsed_conf = Confiture(conf, schema=MyWebserverConfiguration()).parse()
>>> print 'daemon:', parsed_conf.get('daemon')
>>> for vhost in parsed_conf.subsections('host'):
>>>     print vhost.args
>>>     if vhost.get('enable_ssl'):
>>>         print '  SSL enabled'
>>>     for path in vhost.subsections('path'):
>>>         print '  ' + path.args
>>>         if path.get('enable_auth'):
>>>             print '    Following users can access to this directory:'
>>>             for user in path.subsections('user'):
>>>                 print '     - ' + user.args
  SSL enabled
    Following users can access to this directory:
      - foo

Indices and tables