Welcome to Confiture's documentation! =================================== Confiture (formerly Dotconf) is an advanced configuration parsing library which can be used by developers who are limited with standard ConfigParser library. Confiture is also shipped with a schema validator which can be used to check the content of your application's configuration file before to start. Features -------- - Simple configuration format with sections - Typing: - Typing in the syntax ("42" is a string, 42 a number) - Four types availables: string, boolean, number or list - Validation of configuration using a schema - Configuration includes Example ------- This is an example of what you can do with Confiture:: from confiture.schema.containers import many, once from confiture.schema.containers import Section, Value from confiture.schema.types import Boolean, Integer, Float, String # Schema definition: class UserSection(Section): password = Value(String()) _meta = {'repeat': many, 'unique': True} class PathSection(Section): rate_limit = Value(Float(), default=0) enable_auth = Value(Boolean(), default=False) user = UserSection() class VirtualHostSection(Section): enable_ssl = Value(Boolean(), default=False) path = PathSection() _meta = {'repeat': many, 'unique': True} class MyWebserverConfiguration(Section): daemon = Value(Boolean(), default=False) pidfile = Value(String(), default=None) interface = Value(String(), default='') interface_ssl = Value(String(), default='') host = VirtualHostSection() Then, to use the parser:: >>> conf = ''' ... daemon = yes ... pidfile = '/var/run/myapp.pid' ... interface = '' ... interface_ssl = '' ... ... host 'example.org' { ... path '/' { ... rate_limit = 30 ... } ... } ... ... host 'protected.example.org' { ... enable_ssl = yes ... ... path '/files' { ... enable_auth = yes ... user 'foo' { ... password = 'bar' ... } ... } ... } ... ''' >>> from confiture import Confiture >>> from myconfschema import MyWebserverConfiguration >>> parsed_conf = Confiture(conf, schema=MyWebserverConfiguration()).parse() >>> print 'daemon:', parsed_conf.get('daemon') True >>> for vhost in parsed_conf.subsections('host'): >>> print vhost.args >>> if vhost.get('enable_ssl'): >>> print ' SSL enabled' >>> for path in vhost.subsections('path'): >>> print ' ' + path.args >>> if path.get('enable_auth'): >>> print ' Following users can access to this directory:' >>> for user in path.subsections('user'): >>> print ' - ' + user.args >>> example.org / protected.example.org SSL enabled /files Following users can access to this directory: - foo Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 schema/index tipsandtricks/index Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`